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Sermon Series
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Sermon Series

One thing I always enjoy creating is sermon series imagery. I love the collaboration and study that goes into each one before getting started. This method seems to always bring out work that is the most satisfying to create.

I started with talking with my pastor about his hopes for the upcoming series. From this, I form a tagline that attempts to encompass the overall message that is being conveyed. The tagline really helps me form imagery and mood for the series.

Resurrection: It Changes Everything

This was the first sermon series my pastor did after is son (age 21) died. Born out of a place of grief, I set the mood with a dark backdrop. The words and graphics pop in white and green showing the hope that comes with the resurrection. The resurrection is what keeps us grounded when storms of life come, so I incorporated a root system in addition to tree.

Ruth: God Uses Ordinary People

Inspired by the life his son lived, and the grief his family has suffered, my pastor went to the story of Ruth. I used earthy tones and simple shapes to symbolize how God uses ordinary people to accomplish his divine plan.